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Embark on Epic Anime QuestswithThe Anime Studio


Enter the Anime Arena: Join Guilds, Conquer Challenges, and Rise to Victory!

Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures with The Anime Studio! Immerse yourself in the world of anime quests and challenges, where guilds can take on exciting tasks, earn points, and compete for top rankings on the quest leaderboard. Unleash your inner anime hero and claim victory as you journey through a realm of excitement and camaraderie.


Master's Quest Board

Anime Scavenger Hunt: Embark on an Epic Guild Quest!


















































**Total Possible Points:** 135 points

Good luck, and may your guild rise to the top of the leaderboard! Unleash your inner anime heroes and conquer these exciting challenges together!

Objective: Complete a series of anime-themed challenges with your guild members. Distribute the tasks among your team, collaborate, and use the guild messaging section to discuss and solve the tasks together.


Time Frame: 1 week to complete and submit all tasks.


Submission Process: Guild leaders must submit the completed list via the designated form on the website. Include guild information (name, leader's name, contact email) and the answers/evidence for each task.


Prizes: The guild with the highest points will be featured on the website and social media channels. Members will receive virtual badges and special recognition within the community.

 Task List:

1. Main Character Image (Easy, 10 points):
   - Find and submit a high-quality image of the main character from your favorite               anime  series.

  -Instructions: Discuss with your guild and decide on a character. One member can                                 search for the image.
  -Submission: Upload the image with the character's name and anime title.


2. Spiky Yellow Hair Character (Easy, 10 points):
   - Identify and provide the name of the anime series that features a character with            spiky yellow hair.

   - Instructions: Discuss with your guild and identify the character.
   - Submission: Submit the character's name and anime series.


3. Anime Meal Scene (Medium, 15 points):
   - Locate a scene from any anime series where characters are enjoying a meal                  together and describe the food they are eating.

   - Instructions: Discuss possible scenes with your guild and choose one.
   - Submission: Submit a screenshot of the scene and a description of the food.


4. Memorable Fight Scene (Medium, 15 points):
   - Share a screenshot or link to a memorable fight scene from an action-packed           anime series.

   - Instructions: Discuss and decide on a fight scene with your guild.
   - Submission: Submit the screenshot or link along with the anime title and a brief

                          description of the scene.


5. Slice of Life Series (Easy, 10 points):
   - Name three anime series that fall under the "slice of life" genre and briefly                  describe what makes each series unique.

   - Instructions: Each guild member can suggest one series.
   - Submission: Submit the names and descriptions of the three series.


6. Adorable Anime Animal Companion (Medium, 15 points):
   - Find an image or GIF of an adorable anime animal companion and identify the                  series it belongs to.

   - Instructions: Discuss and choose an animal companion with your guild.
   - Submission: Submit the image/GIF and the name of the anime series.


7. Naruto Trivia (Easy, 10 points):
   - Answer the following trivia question: In the anime series "Naruto," what is the                name of Naruto's rival and childhood friend?

   - Instructions: Discuss and confirm the answer with your guild.
   - Submission: Submit the character's name.


8. Fan Art Showcase (Medium, 15 points):
   - Locate a piece of fan art inspired by your favorite anime character and provide a          link to the artist's profile or website (ensure proper credit is given).

   - Instructions: Each member can search for fan art and choose the best one.
   - Submission: Submit the fan art link and the artist's profile.


9. Touching Romance Moment (Medium, 15 points):
   - Share a screenshot or link to a touching moment from a romance anime series.

   - Instructions: Discuss and decide on a moment with your guild.
   - Submission: Submit the screenshot or link along with the anime title and a brief            description of the moment.


10. Manga to Anime Adaptation (Medium, 20 points):
    - Identify an anime series that has been adapted from a popular manga series and           briefly summarize the plot.   

    - Instructions: Discuss possible adaptations with your guild and choose one.
    - Submission: Submit the name of the anime series and the plot summary.




Scoring Criteria:

- Task Completion: Points are awarded based on the completion and accuracy of each task.
- Creativity and Effort: Additional points may be awarded for creative submissions, detailed descriptions, and effort put into completing the tasks.
- Collaboration: Guilds that demonstrate strong collaboration and teamwork in their submissions may receive bonus points.

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